Monday, August 23, 2010


Lots of phone calls back and forth with Nikki this morning, see-sawing price and financing ideas.  We're at $535K with the sellers' mortgage terms, which is a better price than I thought I would get but doesn't leave me any money to fix the place up.  Where will that come from?  Oh, I think I asked that question yesterday.  

I'm meeting with Nikki at 5 pm this afternoon to put it in writing -- I also have a call in to a commercial real estate broker in Portland and an appointment with a lawyer who does real estate work with the city on Friday.  And I'm not signing anything without an out through the inspection -- they may not bring the price down any more, but I can still bail out if - as my friend Barbara (who thinks I'm crazy) suggests -- all the walls have to be ripped out so that wiring has to be replaced and the repair bills go from $100K to $300K.   (If that's true, I would agree that I'm a bit crazy.)

Hard not to feel anxious but as I said to Barbara -- I like excitement in my life and nothing in my life right now, except Kanha, is exciting.  This would be, to say the least.  

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