Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Deals and Obfuscation

Today I resigned from the hunt for a house.  Well, at least for a couple of weeks.  I feel like I've been through some kind of harrowing experience -- all those meetings, and phone calls, and emails, all those visits to the code enforcement office at city hall, never mind to the house, all the $$ that went out the window for naught ($1100 between the inspector and the appraiser), all the roller coaster of emotion from elation and excitement to good old fashioned terror.  So I'm done for now.

I thought I would have more stamina for it, hence my visit to two houses yesterday morning.  One was a dump with a reasonable view -- I said a quick no, thank you, which is good information -- I think on my last outing I really was in love with the house and not only the view.   The other house was quite lovely and tempting in spite of the dearth of outdoor space (ok, they have a decent deck and a small patio but, as Kanha said, where would we play catch with the dog that will follow soon after the house?) and the absence of a tub (two bathrooms, no bathtub).  But when Nikki started delving into some of our questions with the selling agent, the dirty details and dealing of real estate, the obfuscation I'd even call it, began.  They'd told us the first floor apartment rents for $1100-1200 monthly but in fact, when put on the spot, the agent had to admit that the present tenant pays $750, a deal arranged since the house is on the market, and the agent wouldn't admit to what the previous tenant paid -- apparently she got a reduced rent for babysitting for the owner's kids.  As I said to Nikki, I'd like to know the last time anyone actually paid $1100 or more for the place, an answer I think is not coming soon.

The discussion gave me a headache and made me feel like I was being harrowed again, and harassed, and then it just made me tired.  So I emailed Nikki today and said I'm taking a half a month break.  Kanha turns 10 on October first, and after throwing her party and giving her her gifts, I will celebrate by thinking about house hunting again.  In the meantime, I'll write in my blog, do my work, play with my kid, read my books, live my life.  Maybe it will get me excited about finding a house with a view, or not, next month.

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